The name of the branch shall be "Beer From The Wood (BFTW) N. Ireland Branch".
The branch is registered by Trade Mark number - UK00003278222 - which covers "Beer From The Wood" and "Beers From The Wood"
The Branch will meet at planned events.
Members will respect the aims and standing orders of the BFTW, namely:
> To promote the brewing & encourage the drinking of traditional draught beer, drawn direct from a wooden cask by gravity, or hand pump, but not by extraneous gas. Also, to promote and support ales which have been conditioned in wooden barrels but dispenses by other methods.
> To fully support the craft of the cooper.
> To encourage breweries to use wood in their brew processes & premises to serve from wood.
> To lend support to those brewers who, by their policy, assist in the aims of BFTW
Members are encouraged to wear an item of BFTW regalia at meetings and official branch events.
Members will pay an agreed subscription as branch membership on an annual basis. An annual membership card will be supplied to fully paid up members. Discounts are available at certain premises locally and nationally on production of a current membership card or verification by using the dixcount code given by the business.
Members' details (name, address, telephone, email, subscription status) will be held securely and only used for the purposes of registration and communication to members of internal information such as upcoming events. Details will not be passed on to third parties - however, members may be required to register their details with certain businesses for the purpose of obtaining BFTW membership discount.
At least two members must be present at meetings for them to be considered 'quorate'.
Branch funds shall not be spent on the purchase of beer but may be used as membership discount at certain events. However, it may be spent on transport to an agreed venue where beer, complying with BFTW's aims and objectives as above, may be purchased.
Members whose actions or words are deemed inappropriate or give cause to impugn the name of the BFTW shall have their membership revoked. Any accrued monies shall not be returned.
An AGM will occur once a year at a suitable venue. Notice will be given in advance on the branch web site, by email, or postal mail.
In the case of important matters arising which would not be suitable to wait for the AGM then an Extraordinary General meeting will be arranged.
If the branch is to be wound down then members will be offered the chance to take over the running of the branch. If the branch ceases then existing monies, after bills are paid, can be distributed amongst members or handed to a charity.